Release your creativity! For guests, contractors. For investors, developers. For tourists, residents
Proceed as follows to commission us to create an application dedicated to your needs:
Using this calculator, please specify the desired functionality. In case the calculator does not cover all your needs, contact us with all the guidelines to determine the detailed conditions. Remember to save or print out your final selection. After accepting the cost of the job:
Please complete the request form available on this page. After successfully submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation of receipt from us with an estimated delivery date. Then, after acceptance:
Depending on your choice (in the form):
you will receive a template of the contract (it can be concluded electronically or traditionally – in writing), or:
you will receive an order template (with an advance payment option).
After the conclusion of the contract or successful sending of the order and the advance payment:
You will have access to a special panel that you can use for:
uploading all necessary information (objects, content, multimedia, settings, etc.) – to the extent that you decide to implement on your side,
maintaining ongoing contact (technical, organisational, etc.), using the so-called ticket system.
Once you have completed the process of collecting and uploading data about the objects (to the extent that you decide to do so on your side), you will receive from us:
a confirmation of the completeness and appropriate quality of the data provided, or:
details of necessary corrections.
After final approval by the parties of the object data set:
We will start the proper process of your application.
After completion of the work (according to a predefined scope, deadline, etc.), you will receive a final application and the invoice. The application will be temporarily limited (functionally and/or temporally), until the payment is fully made.
(Optional) Additionally, after full settlement:
the application will be placed on our developer accounts (Google Play, AppGallery, App Store) – if you have selected one of these options,
a subpage will be created (in a subdomain like:, presenting your objects in WWW version – if this option is selected.
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